keskiviikko 19. tammikuuta 2011

"Don't Look" - The words

These days I try my best of being intentionally specific with song lyrics - not just blurt out phrases for the hell of it, but to actually focus on what I'm trying to get across. Most would probably think it's a given that anyone writing words for songs automatically has this quality, but I'm afraid I acquired it rather late. For the longest time, much of my words were just there - no specific idea or purpose, but because the melodies needed some lyrics on the side. Not very subtle or artistic, but it did teach me to understand the tonality of different syllables, and how the emotion of music changed with the words you sang and how you sang them. I sort of learned the ropes by just playing with the building blocks.

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In some ways, "Don't Look" is a throwback to this old way of mine of doing things. The name of the song was a working title I cooked up for what I felt fit the chorus melody, and it just stuck. Then I proceeded to write words that suited it and the song, waiting anxiously for them to reveal what on earth I was writing about. Notes upon notes. Eventually this did happen, and when I was nearing completion I (fortunately) had a very clear idea of what I wanted to say.

However, one thing the song's not is specific; I wanted to leave a lot of room for interpetation. Some people do an excellent job in putting many layers of meaning into a few song lines while at the same time keeping a narrative going. I really admire this ability, but what I personally sometimes love to go for is to have a thematic thread, but to keep the song indefinite enough for people to project their own stories on it. I think this fit "Don't Look" quite well.

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In the end, the only thing I think counts is whether or not the lyrics can be felt. Getting there is always a bit tricky - not all themes resonate with all people, and some of what this particular song uses may be a bit too unwieldy for their own good. I think "Don't Look" is definitely not the best lyrics I've written - it's technically not very polished and perhaps somewhat simplistic - but by now they're tied to this song to the extent that it's unlikely for me to go back to revise them. Flaws and all, to me they're complete.

Furthermore, I really feel them when I sing them, and that's all I personally need.

~ Markus


Don't Look

you're old enought to know
there's more to fear
than what is shown

I've seen
a world outside these walls
it will lift you high
and let you fall

when the dark is creeping up
I hope you'll turn and run right back

and the sins you carry in your blood
I'll share and cradle in my arms

don't look
your hand is in the shadow
one step
and you are sure to follow
your heart
would lie
would weigh you down
take mine
'cause you can't make it without

I taught you kindness
taught you doubt
and still you wanted to find out

I nursed you close
kept you in shelter
yet you went looking for another

but when your pulse begins to race
remember that this is your place

and those you've met
the things you've seen
don't matter here
alone with me

don't look
you're standing in the shadow
one step
and I can't surely follow
your heart
would lie
would weigh you down
take mine
'cause I can do without


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